Fit Soccer Kids is a fun and educational program where kids learn about fitness and soccer in a non-competitive environment. Our philosophy here at Fit Soccer Kids is to provide an environment where children can freely express themselves, build confidence, learn about soccer and fitness, and become healthier all while having a ton of fun. At Fit Soccer Kids we simply use the soccer ball as a vehicle that take children on a journey of social, emotional, cognative, and physical development.
Coach impact
The impact you can have on a child's life is more significant than you can imagine and goes beyond the game of soccer.
Our guiding principles
Changing the world starts one child at a time. We strive to help parents foster well-rounded childhood development.
Quality programming
Our curriculum and coaches consider that every child develops at their own pace. Positive reinforcements and 100% engagement in every class aid in increasing confidence.
It all starts with fun. When kids are laughing and having fun, they are more receptive to our teachings and likely fall in love with the beautiful game more.
Health & fitness
We pride ourselves on having little to no down time. We want our kids moving the enrire time they are with us. It is important for us to see them develop a love for staying active and channeling their energy towards a passion --> soccer.